Maureen McCullough LLC can help you with all your social media needs so you can concentrate on running your business. We know how it can be managing a small business and trying to wear too many hats.
Many of the small business owners that we interact with either as monthly clients or as training / tutoring clients have the same opinion of social media – that it is overwhelming. They know it is huge, and could be good for their business, but they either don’t understand it or cannot keep up with it.
This is a perfectly accurate analysis of social media. And it’s not the fault of social media in and of itself. The root cause is that we are bombarded with too much information all the time. Information overload can be irritating to downright scary and causes your brain to simply shut down and block things out. And for a small business owner who is just trying to run their business and grow their business, it can lead to some serious tearing out of their hair.
We know many small business owners who, before they came to us, were literally taking stabs in the dark at every possible facet of social media without knowing what they were doing. They had no:
- no real understanding of the process
- no game plan for growing their business
- no digital marketing plan
- no idea of what their target marketing audience is
- no idea of what appeals to those people
- no creative schedule for social media
All of them eventually abandoned their social media experience.
Why? Because without the points above, AND no real understanding of the process, it’s perfectly understandable that the small business owner would become frustrated and give up because they aren’t seeing any appreciable movement, engagement, follows, likes, or action.
Plus, the small business owner is taking time away from actually running their business, so down the line, business suffers in more ways than one.