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The Indisputable Value Proposition of SEO

One of the most valuable digital marketing strategies a small business can ever invest in is search engine optimization.

The whole purpose of SEO – search engine optimization – is to boost the search engine visibility of any given website with organic traffic. There are two kinds of traffic for websites – organic (unpaid) and pay per click (paid).

The difference between the two is relatively easy to understand. Organic is evergreen unpaid traffic bolstered by natural keywords and key phrases worked into the page content that are natural extensions of what people type in when they search. Pay per click traffic is traffic sent to the website as a result of bidding on keywords for placement and when the budget runs out, so does the websites temporary boost in the search engines.

Organic traffic is evergreen and long lasting. Paid traffic is transient with a short shelf life.

So what is the value proposition of SEO done right? What is in it for you, the business owner and the website owner?

  • Increased organic traffic, higher search engine visibility, an evergreen digital presence with long lasting results, and more potential customers / clients likely to discover your business and engage with it.
  • Higher ranking, more visible websites carry with them the perception of trust and credibility along with brand awareness. Discoverability outranks all else.
  • Organic traffic through search engine optimization brings you a targeted audience reach. Your SEO can be tailored to a particular niche market or niche local / geo targeted market, bringing your website to people who are actively searching for your product or service.
  • SEO gives your website visitors an enhanced user experience with low bounce rates, better direct engagement and increased odds for positive conversion (making the sale or getting the phone to ring.)
  • High quality leads which convert into customers / clients. SEO is based upon user intent. Are they looking for what you sell or offer as a service? If your SEO has been done right, you will benefit from these higher quality, targeted leads.
  • Evergreen results which attract traffic for the long term as opposed to paid traffic which comes to a screeching halt when the ads budget runs out. All depends if you are in this for the long haul. If you are, SEO is the right choice for your business.
  • SEO intuitively adapts to newer trends in search such as voice search, mobile search, and local search. This helps your website to create an undeniably strong digital business foundation. Again, evergreen.
  • Your competitors are investing in SEO. You are not. That translates into you losing customers / clients to your competitors because they are staying organically relevant and you are not. Can your business afford to lose its market share to your competitors?
  • Local SEO can benefit your business tremendously if you own a brick and mortar shop on Main Street. Business is always competitive. Why not capture your share of local business with quality local SEO?
  • Fine tune your marketing and business strategies by paying attention to data insights. These tell you exactly what people are searching for and give you valuable demographics and locale knowledge.

Maureen McCullough LLC is headquartered in Hackensack, Bergen County NJ.

We are in business 20+ years with an A+ Better Business Bureau rating.

Call or text us today at 201.753.1677 or 201.523.4332 for a FREE 15 minute SEO consult.

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