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Do You Sell on Amazon or eBay? Want More Sales?

Whether you are an experienced Amazon or eBay seller or a newbie, the common goal across the board is to get more sales – revenue rocks! Anyone who disputes this needs to get out more and get a life!

How do you accomplish this without spending a fortune in AdWords, advertising, or marketing gimmicks?

The answer is simple. Hire an experienced expert who knows the ropes, keeps up with the latest in search engine algorithms and technology, understands ranking factors, and puts customer focused sales strategies to work for you.

However, if you do a search for Amazon SEO and marketing experts, you’ll see that the larger companies that do this are very expensive. They have staff to pay, office rent and upkeep to pay for, and lifestyles to pay for. Who pays for that? You do.

Our SEO and marketing agency, on the other hand, is not high maintenance. Plus, we give you individual, personalized attention, not passing you off to a team member. You deal with the owner on a one on one basis, always.

As our attorney clients have found out, we offer the same exact services as these larger agencies, but charge much less. Some attorney’s do not mind paying $2000 a month for SEO and marketing. They feel the more you pay, the better the service. Many attorney’s cannot or simply will not pay that much. That is why they come to us. We have a pristine reputation and we do what we say we will do for you.

It’s the same with Amazon or eBay sellers. Some would rather go with a high priced service but most do not see the logic of paying more than they can afford or are willing to pay. And as long as their consultant offers the same services, they are happy with that. And, as long as their consultant gives results that improve the seller’s bottom line, they stay with that consultant, forging a long term trusting client / provider relationship.

Here are a few things we can do for your Amazon or eBay business:

  • Amazon SEO and eBay SEO – 2 completely different versions of SEO
  • Ranking Factors
  • Good Reviews – Enhanced Reputation Management – Handling Negative Reviews
  • Being a 1P or 3P Seller – which is more beneficial to your particular business model
  • A+ Content in your 1P product listings – do you want the customers or not?
  • Brand Content and Brand Registry for your 3P product listings – improve conversions, improve sales
  • Product descriptions that sell
  • Customized SEO for your particular product niche and target audience
  • Appropriate use of creatives for display advertising
  • Appropriate focus on your target market, your niche, and new target markets you had not considered
  • A/B Split testing to evaluate different marketing options and strategies for your business model
  • Pricing and Re-Pricing to find the sweet spot for your target market
  • Appropriate usage of organic long tail keywords to target your market and your niche for more sales
  • Branding that makes you stand out from all others in the crowd – it’s not all about having the lowest prices …………
  • Customer Focused sales strategies – no customers, no sales. Marketing gimmicks, contests and giveaways don’t cut it.
  • We are particular about whom we work with. Our clients must want to grow their business and position it for success. We can help.

Maureen McCullough LLC is your Bergen County New Jersey website design, SEO and marketing agency. We care about your business and want you to succeed.

Call or text us today at 201.753.1677 or 201.523.4332 to take your business to the next level of success!